As a new product innovator I understand the problems supporting new products and services. Even doing your best, you still end up with a handful of customers who will complain to the point of being obnoxious. Have you ever found yourself no longer listening and simply wishing they would go away?
It is a well documented fact that most people will never tell you what they think of your product. They may love it, hate it, discard it, replace it or ignore it but almost never will you ever know. Welcome then with open arms the customer with the enthusiasm to complain.
Complaining customers are a drag, consuming valuable resources and exacerbating support. Complaining customers are also your strongest link to your product or service in the real world. When taken seriously, when brought into the innovation cycle, when legitimised and valued the very same protagonists may become both your best source of new ideas and your greatest advocates.
Complaining customers think critically about how a product or service either falls short of expectations or fails in a real life application. Complaining customers have the time and enthusiasm to let you know about it. Most importantly, complaining customers will keep on complaining or contributing if you engage them and keep them involved.
Give your worst customer credit for raising issues. Let them know when you have used their ideas in new products and revisions. Not only will you benefit with better and innovative new products and services, you will gain both an advocate for your product or service and free marketing for life!
… Robert
When someone complains, our ego is bruised. We get defensive. We get annoyed. We get dismissive. It can be very hard to get to a calm point where we can seriously evaluate what is being said to us.
This is yet another good reason for individuals and organisations to strive for greater emotional intelligence.