Please pause for just a moment and ask yourself these three questions.
1. Why am I here reading this article?
2. What do I hope to learn from reading this article?
3. What will I do with what I have learned?
Make sure you have really thought about these questions. Go back and ask yourself those questions again.
Now, let’s word these questions a little differently.
1. How do I find the knowledge I desire?
2. How can I get the most from reading this article?
3. How can I apply what I have learned to achieve my goals?
Do you notice something different happening when you ask yourself these new questions? Ask them again, say them out aloud and then write down your answers.
Our heads are swimming with ideas all the time. We experience an endless stream of wonderful external and internal events. In every moment our brains are responding, creating, affirming, story telling, excuse making, planning, avoiding, engaging, contriving…and on and on it goes.
It is amongst this chaos we look for ideas; no wonder we often end up wondering if there is an original thought or idea in us anywhere.
Now, go back and look at the language of the first three questions. Then look at the language of the second three questions.
Which three made you feel more connected with what you really want?
Which three inspired you with confidence that you can achieve your goals?
Which three gave you new ideas?
Your creative mind is only too eager to do your bidding. It’s literally champing at the bit to help you. And it loves answering questions regardless of how useful those questions actually might be.
Next time you find yourself between that ‘rock and a hard place’, take a good look at the questions you are asking yourself and the language you are using. Maybe all you need to do is ask a different question.
… Robert