During a recent trip I realised that my in-car MP3 player, which I had always used for listening to podcasts, had not been used for months. Instead I have been listening to MP3s directly from my smartphone. It certainly is not as clear and as easy to listen to as my in-car MP3 player but it is more convenient and importantly, more fun.
Like it or not, I am a ‘gadget churner’.
Being an early adopter requires an enthusiasm for something new, neat, quirky, novel or just plain different. Often, we put up with the most masochistic implementations of form and function just to be able to do something new. Like a new toy with no instructions, we explore – and then invent – ways to use our new gadget as a part of our everyday lives.
It is interesting to note the three clear stages of being a gadget churner.
Stage 1. The Toy. Playing with our new toy just for the purpose of discovering everything it does.
Stage 2. The Tool. Integrating our gadget into our everyday life.
Stage 3. The Trash. Discarding the gadget in favour of something better.
The one to really look out for here is ‘the tool’, which has also been referred to as a ‘weak signal’ of future innovation.
The way we integrate a gadget into our everyday lives and derive real value is a clear sign that, in the future, others who are not as gadget-oriented will find value too.
Information technology has made incredible leaps forward for business processes bringing efficiency, leverage of information, B2B transactions, management, reporting and much, much more. Consider this, however: maybe we’re still on a plateau where the
Tracked: Dec 30, 03:01