Every now and then I get to treat myself to a cool new toy and more often than not I am delighted with some new found utility. Ok, being more specific, the super cool match-up of JoikuSpot on my Nokia n97.
The Nokia n97 is the proclaimed flagship of the Nokia fleet and I have waited more than eight months to get my hands on one to play with. Just like any new mobile phone owner, when I finally got my Nokia n97 I systematically navigated through every application, option, connectivity facility and feature just to get familiar (doesn’t everyone?). This post is not a review of the phone. You will find plenty of those elsewhere. This post is about one of the coolest ideas in a mobile phone that I have seen for a long time. I discovered JoikuSpot!
Imagine you are meeting an associate for a working lunch at your favourite Wi-Fi cafe. Both equipped with laptops, you boot up and start looking for the hotspot. To your dismay you discover the Wi-Fi hotspot is down. The cafe staff apologises but as the problem is with their ISP, there is nothing they can do. For a moment you consider your options. Should you pack up and head back to the office or abandon your favourite cafe for the Wi-Fi certainty of MacDonald’s? Then you remember JoikuSpot.
With a wry smile, out comes your Nokia n97 and you launch the JoikuSpot application. You both search again on your laptops and there it is, the JoikuSpot Wi-Fi hotspot! Moments later you are both on your own private LAN with Internet access. The working lunch has been saved and you both have been spared the indignity of McDonald’s. Let the on-line gaming commence…
JoikuSpot by Joikusoft gives you freedom not only to have broadband access anywhere you go, but to share it without all the complications of trying to configure your phone as a broadband modem. A word of warning though: you’d better make sure that you have a good data plan with your mobile carrier and that you have disabled all your peer sharing because you will have burned megabytes before you realise it.
I love my new Nokia n97 for all its very cool features and applications. JoikuSpot was a wonderful surprise and a powerful new utility to have on the road or at my favourite cafe.
I just love the spring action to access the keyboard.